90 Minute Yomassage + Sound Bath at DM Wellness and Yoga
YOMASSAGE is a fusion of relaxing and supported restorative positions, hands-on massage therapy, and mindfulness of the breath and the body. The session consists of gentle restorative positions which will be held for 5-10 minutes with the use of props. (blankets, bolsters, and blocks.) We are also incorporating a live sound bath from Dejah Roman with Floating Yoga 108 to help enhance your relaxation and healing experience. Group Yomassage is a great way to receive hands on massage therapy at a more affordable rate. Each session will have 5 or fewer participants. This session takes place on a yoga mat on the floor while you are completely clothed (loose comfortable clothing suggested). Each session includes aromatherapy as well as a salt scrub and hot towels on the feet accompanied by reflexology. This session takes place at DM Wellness + Yoga at 1131 42nd St., Des Moines, IA 50311.